Saturday, October 10, 2015

City Inspection #1

It's been crunch time around here.  We have been putting in late hours at 319 getting it ready for our city inspection.

Plumbing...done (kind of)
Safety measures...done

So, how did it go?  We were given a laundry list of 18 items, ranging for very simple to very silly. There are some plumbing issues on the list and one for the electrician.  Brad has taken care of everything else except for the biggest (and silliest) item.  Well, second silliest.  This one, is by far the silliest (see photo).

Those ducts extending off the house are for the exhaust fan in the bathroom and the drier.  They needed to be extended 36" because they were too close to the windows.  Really?  It's not carbon dioxide for goodness sake, it's poop fumes!

The second silliest item can also be seen in the above photo.  Do you see how the trim was removed to put in the new windows?  And how a couple windows have been closed up?  The weather barrier is visible...and has been for almost three years.  NOW the city has decided the house must be "weather-proofed" with plywood and caulk!  When asked why, they said that we might get complaints about the appearance of the house.  When asked if we had gotten any complaints, the answer was "no."  So, after nearly three years, the city is now worried about the outward appearance of the house.

As you can imagine buying, cutting, and installing plywood around 28 windows and doors will be costly and very time consuming.  Therefore, we are not going to do this item and see what happens during our next inspection.  Pure silliness.

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