Sunday, November 2, 2014

Insulated at last!

I am happy to report that the house has finally been insulated!  We used a company called GoFoam. This is a sprayed insulation that is 3 inches thick throughout the house.  There were some things that needed to happen before insulation could be done....

Thanks to Jim and his guys, the electric was completed and inspected.  Also, Brad reconstructed the "maid's stairs" and Kevin installed the remaining windows.  All very exciting!

Next up, staining.  Our new entry door has arrived and must be stained before it is installed.  The "maid's stairs" also need to be stained.  Brad has a couple more odds and ends to complete, but then DRYWALL!!!!  We haven't had walls in two years!  Wooohooo!
Spray insulation going in

"Maid's Stairs" and mudroom


Looking west towards kitchen

New windows in living room

Looking east to living room

Master bath

Master bedroom

Oraya's bedroom

Guest room
